Some Dazzling news ...
She was the legendary queen of Egypt who seduced two of the most powerful men in the ancient world. But a silver coin that went on display at a British university suggests Cleopatra's beauty may be Hollywood fiction.
On one side the coin shows the Egyptian ruler with a shallow forehead, long nose, narrow lips, and a sharply pointed chin (at left above). On the other, her longtime lover, the powerful Roman general and politician Mark Antony, is depicted with a large hooked nose and thick neck (right).

"The image on the coin is far from being that of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton,"
Roman writers tell us that Cleopatra was intelligent and charismatic, and that she had a seductive voice but, tellingly, they do not mention her beauty. The image of Cleopatra as a beautiful seductress is a more recent image.".However she looked in reality, Cleopatra's charm helped change the course of Roman history. :)

NASA released this new shot of a dying star— that was once similar to our sun.
Low- to medium-size stars like our sun usually end their lives as white dwarfs. Once most of a star's hydrogen has been converted to helium, the star enters the red giant phase, eventually expelling its outer material to form a nebula of stellar debris . The hot core left behind is a white dwarf.
Our sun will also likely burn out and become a white dwarf surrounded by a vivid nebula—but not for another five billion years.
So, relax and don't worry...hehehehe..You all have five billion years b4 u get blown up
I never thought that an image of a dying thing could be so beautiful ;)
Loooooooool don't worry nobody will wait for those years to come.. Since the average of life is 50 yrs :P
And also because we know as Muslims no way the end will be like this ;)
But hey Cleapatro seems really hot in that pic :P
Great post. Thanks for the info :)
But I think we should be worried about global warming rather than the sun dying away :)
As for that dying star, although the explanation is different than a dying star, but it says something similar in Surat AlRahman:
"فَإِذَا انْشَقَّتِ السَّمَاءُ فَكَانَتْ وَرْدَةً كَالدِّهَانِ (37) فَبِأَيِّ آلاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ "
I must say that there must be something wrong with ur eyes..are you sure they haven't replaced it with a new one in IRAN..??? lol
There is nothing pretty about her :)
And no one knows when the world will end..and if god let humanity live for another 5 billion years, i don't think we will have to worry about our dying sun, because i am sure we would have found another planet by that time ;)
You are absolutely right, global warming is our main concern now..we still have time to worry about our beautiful sun. :)
Interesting info about the dying star and what is even more interesting is Witty's linking of that Quran verse.
Space is full of wonders and extremely interesting facts.
As for Cleopatra, I'd rather picture her as liz ;)
Glad you agree with me :)
Why do you think it's interesting? Don't you agree with the use of Aya here?
God! Cleopatra is really "khesfa"..
Regarding the dying star pic..I like witty's link to el aya el kareemah..
but u know witty..I remember one day in the professor who taught me "Astrophysics" course..and who was working for NASA one day..told me something nice..or sad bel a7ra..he said..we muslims.. always refer western astro discoveries to Al Qura'n ba3ad ma yektashfoonha hum..they "NASA poeple" say "why do muslims always link it to Al Qura'n after they discover those astro facts?"..wala marra e7na el muslemeen ekteshafna shay broo7na men el mujezat el 3elmeyyah elli fel Qur'an!..which is sad actually..bas sha6reen 3ogob ma yektashfoonha engooluhum walla hatha mawjood fel Qur'an..enzain wainna 3anna men zeman!..too sad..
Let's dream one day we (muslims)will discover such a thing broo7na! :)..and return our glory! *it's obvious that am joking right??*
WOW, you've studied astrophysics? You ARE a smartie, alright ;) I always found physics to be the hardest and whoever gets it is a genius mashallah :)
As for your prof's comment, sadly, it's totally true :| Unfortunately, those Muslims who are geniuses and can be creative end up acheiving their goals outside the Arab community. *sigh*
But am gonna keep dreamin' with you, though, it could happen someday around here;)
The fact that we keep referring to the Qura'an is probably to keep showing the world that it IS a divine book and that our religion is strong. Another reason could be to remind ourselves of that as well :)
i have read about cleopatra, and ur rite, no one ever mentions her beauty. I guess u naturally picture such a strong person as beautiful.
as for the star WOW
Thnx.. u be honest with u..I hate physics as well ..but Astrophysics is something else..ofcourse it has the basics of physics but in general u enjoy it much much more than pure if u got the chance to study it don't waste it :)
And I agree on what u said about referring to Holly Qur' myself..I always like to link those facts with the Holly Qr'an verse..for the two reasons u've mentioned..try to listen to "eshaikh Al zendani"..he is one of the best in explaining and linking the scientific facts in general with Al Qura'n..
well, what's more interesting to me is .........ok , changed my mind, i'd rather keep it as a secret to myself ;)
I agree with u again..smartee is a smart girl ;)
I am glad you enjoyed reading my post. :)
hehe hon, am too old to start studying any new speciality :)
I'm glad you agree with me :) makes me feel all.. smart :D I should listen to 'Shaikh el Zendani' then since you say he's good.
I'm happy you agreed with me *again* :))
Interesting post...:)
so Cleopatra wasn't a beauty queen?????
I'm seriously disappointed .. Just kidding but thats interesting to know.
I love these photos of the cosmos, they are just breath taking..thanks for sharing.
thanks hayzaboonah for the information.... :)
Maze, Entropy, Enginerro,
Glad you enjoyed the info.. :)
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