A Girl's best friend...
Diamonds are a unique resource, evoking beauty and eternal love..
You all know that most diamonds are used in drill bits and diamond tools. A small number are used for glass cutters and surgical instruments. Only the finest are used as gems.
Australia is currently the world's largest producer of diamonds. Most of these diamonds are low quality and used for industrial purposes.
About half of South Africa's diamonds are gem quality...The Finest..unfourtunatly, it is also the land of Conflict Diamonds...

Conflict Diamonds are diamonds illegally traded to fund conflict in war-torn areas, particularly in central and western Africa. Rebel groups in Africa used diamonds to finance their wars and unspeakable brutalities against civilian populations.
These Diamonds captured the world's attention during the extremely brutal conflict in Sierra Leone in the late 1990s. During this time, it is estimated that conflict diamonds represented approximately 4% of the world's diamond production. Illicit rough diamonds have also been used by rebels to fund conflicts in Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo.
To tell you the truth..Conflict diamonds are my nightmares..its also my father's.
Every time i design a ring or a necklace , i pray to god and hope that none of my designs would ever hold a conflict diamond in them..with each design i give the world another reason to look for more diamonds.
Every time i design a ring or a necklace , i pray to god and hope that none of my designs would ever hold a conflict diamond in them..with each design i give the world another reason to look for more diamonds.
Conflict Diamonds are also called ........BLOOD DIAMOND.
GO WATCH THE MOVIE ..it tells you a story about the real world...and i am sure its going to be ur nightmare to.

Loved the post!..so interesting..u know..u made me so excited about the movie..I think am gonna watch it..although I hate Di Caprio! :)
BTW..u know..not all girls love jewellary actually..and am one of them...I think my future husband will be lucky! loooool
The movie is awsome... but really how do you guys know if the diamond you are using is not a conlfict diamond? the movie tells viewers to ask for a certificate whenever they buy a diamond to certify that its not a conflict diamond....does that apply to you designers or importers who buy in bulk too??
Am going to Kwt this weekend enshalla..try to make it so that we can celebrate the Valentine together! (so desperate!!) looooooooool...
Ya..The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS), a process where they document and track all rough diamonds entering a participating country,providing enough detailed information about their origins to prove they did not originate in a conflict zone.
But the thing is that there are many countries who haven't committed to the program.
And all we can do is follow the Kimberely process and keep demanding details about the diamonds we buy.
u have a really baaad timeing..i can never make it this weekend.
But..Anyway, enjoy ur time there..and hopefully we will see each other when i'll visit Dubai. ;)
Woow.. cool post.. I acutally saw the movie last week and i really liked it.. Thanx 4 this post :)
nice post
I personally hate diamonds and dont see what so special about them
the movie looks interesting....i will try to watch it
another movie that talks about how diamonds fuel gun trade in africa is "lord of war" its a good movie...t3awer algalb wallah
first welcome back to the blog world,
second, thanks for the information about diamonds...
but you keep telling us about designing a rings or necklaces ... but never showed us your work!!!!
please if you have your designs in the net I would like to see it ... ;)
i was really impressed with that movie .. u cant go wrong with leonardo .. he's a proven talent at young age ..
Thanks ,, but my post is not as cool as your posts.. ;)
You see Diamonds are just stones like any other stone ,but it is precious because the methods of getting it is hard...and costs alot, sometimes it costs the lives of others.
The Weird thing about diamonds..is that if you buy a diamond necklace and it costs you alot...u don't get much if u sell it..that's why they say , diamonds are forever..it means don't even think of selling it..not like GOLD.
I wish i could show u some of them..but the thing is they all belong to the company..a copy right..and my father might sue me if i published some of them without his permission... :(
You don't know my father, when it comes to business he don't care if i was his only daughter..Anyway, i'll take his permission first and i'll post some as soon as possible. :)
dj Xfader,
You are absolutely right..he is a great actor..and DJIMON HOUNSOU is a great actor to..i loved his movie Amistad..
We have conflict diamonds....actually i was born in Liberia and we use to get diamonds from the ppl in mines for peanuts...:)
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